Pair of Cavalry Sabers & Scabbard,
both have heavy grinding marks on the blades, metal scabbards
Part Number: AAW-077
Availability: We are currently out of this item. Future delivery is unknown.
Price: $69.99 Closeout
These are imported replicas of U.S. Cavalry sabers. One has a 32-1/2" blade the other a 31-3/4" blade. The blades on both swords have been ground with a Dremel or rotary tool to cut a groove. It appears to have been done by hand and has many marks. These will display nicely in the scabbard, or use for a period impression. Both swords were made in India.

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Track of the Wolf, Inc.
18308 Joplin St NW
Elk River, MN 55330-1773

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