John & Caleb Vincent, Ramrod Pipes, octagon for halfstock rifles, for 5/16 rod, brass only
Shown in side view, and top view, these John & Caleb Vincent ramrod pipes are octagon with rings at each end, only available for 5/16" ramrod, in brass only, for halfstock rifles.
Designed by Tedd Cash, these are ideal for use on John & Caleb Vincent Ohio halfstock longrifles.
Our entry pipe (where rod enters the wood) has an integral skirt. The pipe body is 1-5/16" length, about 2-5/8" overall, including the skirt. Your choice of polished brass or nickel silver. Use our #PIN-3/32" steel dowel pin for mounting the entry pipe on a fullstock or halfstock rifle.
Our forward pipe, plain for rib, is 1-5/16" overall length. Made for a halfstock rifle, most rifles use two forward pipes. File a flat on the pipe, and a matching flat into the rib. Cut the rib deep enough to allow the ramrod to slide smoothly down the inside of the rib, and through the pipe. Tin both flats with solder, cool, clamp in place, then re-heat to sweat solder the two flats together. Wipe off excess solder, using steel wool, while molten. We recommend using our #SOLDER-SB Stay-Brite extra strong solder and flux.
Halfstock rifles, with metal underrib to the muzzle, require one entry pipe, and two forward pipes without lugs. Order one mounting pin, plus solder and flux. Halfstock rifles use two forward pipes.