BOOK: Hand Loading 10 Gauge Brass Shot Shells for Parker Bros. and other antique shotguns,
10 page booklet on hand loading
Track's best Black Powder BORE CLEAN Solvent, with flip-top spout
Bore brush, bronze, for .62 caliber, 10-32 thread
English Powder Dipper,
adjustable brass cup, calibrated in drams of black powder,
patterned from an antique, made in the U.S.A.
English Shot Dipper,
adjustable brass cup, calibrated in ounces of shot,
patterned from an antique, made in the U.S.A.
LEE Decapper & Base,
.30 caliber
LEE Adjustable Shot Dipper, adjusts from 7/8 to 1-7/8 oz.
19 gauge, .636" ideal for .626" bore, .125" over powder card, 1000, by Circle Fly Wads
Part Number:
19 gauge, .636" ideal for .626" bore, .025" over shot card, 1000, by Circle Fly Wads
19 gauge, .636" ideal for .626" bore, .500" thick fibre wad, 500, by Circle Fly Wads
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