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A Pilgrim's Journey, Volume Two: 1996-2005
by Mark A Baker
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The second decade of Mark A Baker's adventures in learning and living the life of a colonial woodsman and hunter. In
A Pilgrim's Journey
, Baker shares the knowledge and insights gained from wilderness experiences, extensive research and from his partners and mentors along the way.
A Pilgrim's Journey, Volume Two
contains the most complete instructions and advice for becoming an 18th century longhunter. From flintlocks and moccasins to shooting bags and knapsacks, Baker explores the way of life in frontier America and shows how modern-day woodsmen are recreating the exciting era that helped forge the American Spirit and a new nation.
The Table of Contents includes the following
Chapter 1: 1996
Critters and Curs
The Final Evaluation
Contest and Comical Diversions
Skittles, Jingles, and Road Bullets
Chapter 2: 1997
Searching for Truth in Morgan's Store
I Wanta Get Dirty Like Girty
Punching through the Pasteboard Mask
Out of the Woods and into the Fire
Becoming a Natural Man
Chapter 3: 1998
Hearing the Call
Chapter 4: 1999
Remembering My Place
Imitation of a Hunter
Chapter 5: 2000
In Search of the Hunters Tone
Finding a Frontier Place
Discovering, Soup Meagre
Aim Small, Miss Small
Heeding the Call
Take the Long Trail
Chapter 6: 2001
What it Take to Tarry in the Country
Unwrapping the Past
A Quiet Repose
Chapter 7: 2002
Living with Terror
Spies, Savages and the Speckled Monster
The Greatest Challenge of the Colonial Frontier
Fine Fellows, Cowardly Rascals, and a Clouded Conscience
Realizing the Differance
Chapter 8: 2003
Bearing Horrible Memories
A Reckless Daring Breed
Truly Teaching, Truly Trying
Gralloching and Tallow Rendering
Chapter 9: 2004
Pugilism and Fisticuffs
The Colonial Mind: Slaves, Savages, and Suspicions
Taking Your Best Shot - Quickly
Taking Your Best Shot - Cooly
Chapter 10: 2005
Taking Your Best Shot - with Celerity
Shooting Quick-Without Losing an Eye
Shooting Quickly Defined Negatively
Shooting Quickly - with Dexterity
Shooting Quickly-While Avoiding the "Buck Ague"
ISBN: 1-880655-20-9
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