Recreating the 18th Century Powder Horn,
the secrets of making, decorating, and aging fine powder horns,
by Scott & Cathy Sibley
Part Number: BOOK-R18CPH
Availability: In Stock
Price: $24.95
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Renowned powder horn makers and scrimshaw artisans Scott and Cathy Sibley demonstrate every detail and secret of recreating an 18th century powder horn. New and experienced horn makers will enjoy this how-to book.

Heavily illustrated with step-by-step, close-up, full color photographs and illustrations, these simple steps to take you from start to finish.

Also included is a photographic collection of original 18th and 19th century powder horns from the collection of Scott Sibley, and several beautiful antique powder horns, previously unpublished, from the famous collection of Jim Dresslar, author of The Engraved Powder Horn.

An ideal instruction book for the novice, Scott Sibley demonstrates the horn making process in step-by-step close-up full color photographs. Learn how to inexpensively setup an ideal workspace, and how to select the few common tools needed for this enjoyable craft of creating American folk art.

Every aspect of making powder horns is covered, including: selecting, fitting, shaping, carving, finishing, and polishing a fine powder horn. Special emphasis is given to French & Indian War era, Revolutionary War era, and Southern stlye horns.

Learn to make your own handforged staples, and position them to use any horn for a right or left hand shooter. Special chapters include how to make a turned butt plug, and how to make the fancy French & Indian War style lobed base.

Learn Scott's tried and true techniques and secrets, accumulated over more than two decades of horn making. Watch as he colors the horn with stain, and applies an antique patina, causing the horn to resemble a highly collectible original antique powder horn.

Superb scrimshaw artist Cathy Sibley demonstrates how to select, create a traditional design, layout your art, and scrimshaw engrave a powder horn. The detailed text accompanying each photograph and illustration is easy to follow, easy to understand, easy for your to master.

To inspire you, this book displays a large collection of highly collectible and valuable reproduction powder horns, made by Scott and Cathy Sibley, displayed in amazing large high resolution full color photographs, by Track's master photographer, Mr. Ryan Gale.

Also shown is a collection of fine original antique 18th and 19th century powder horns from the Sibley collection, and several fine antique powder horns shown for the first time, from the collection of Jim Dresslar, author of The Engraved Powder Horn.

This high quality soft cover book is printed on fine coated paper. The 92 pages are filled with full color photographs and illustrations, these images illustrate the techniques developed, refined, and mastered by Scott and Cathy Sibley. Both beginning and advanced powder horn makers will enjoy this concise instruction manual. Shooters, re-enactors, and collectors may be surprised at the clever ideas, and attention to detail, that make Sibley powder horns so highly prized as contemporary American folk-art. An ideal companion book for our popular "Recreating the 18th Century Hunting Pouch" by T.C. Albert.

Published exclusively by Track of the Wolf, Inc. ISBN 0-9765797-0-7

We can supply the cow horns, buffalo horns, engrailment chisels, scrimshaw engraving blades, jeweler's saw, saw blades, leather straps, and horn making tools that you may need.

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Carving knife #56, pointed angled edge,
by Solingen, Germany
Carving knife #56, pointed angled edge, by Solingen, Germany
Part Number: CHISEL-56
Availability: In Stock
Price: $13.99
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"V" gouge inletting chisel, 5mm wide,
by Solingen, Germany
"V" gouge inletting chisel, 5mm wide, by Solingen, Germany
Part Number: CHISEL-71-05
Availability: In Stock
Price: $29.99
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"V" gouge inletting chisel, 7mm wide,
by Solingen, Germany
"V" gouge inletting chisel, 7mm wide, by Solingen, Germany
Part Number: CHISEL-71-07
Availability: In Stock
Price: $29.99
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Deep-round gouge inletting chisel, 6mm wide,
by Solingen, Germany
Deep-round gouge inletting chisel, 6mm wide, by Solingen, Germany
Part Number: CHISEL-73-06
Availability: In Stock
Price: $22.99
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Deep-round gouge inletting chisel, 8mm wide,
by Solingen, Germany
Deep-round gouge inletting chisel, 8mm wide, by Solingen, Germany
Part Number: CHISEL-73-08
Availability: In Stock
Price: $22.99
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drill bit, HSS, 3/32", .0938" diameter, drill for 3/32" pins
drill bit, HSS, 3/32", .0938" diameter, drill for 3/32" pins
Part Number: DRILL-3/32
Availability: In Stock
Price: $1.99
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drill bit, HSS, 5/16", .3125" diameter
drill bit, HSS, 5/16", .3125" diameter
Part Number: DRILL-5/16
Availability: In Stock
Price: $4.29
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Powder Horn Staple, Large, 
7/8" wide hand forged iron,
with decorative twist
Powder Horn Staple, Large, 7/8" wide hand forged iron, with decorative twist
Part Number: HORN-STAPLE-L
Availability: In Stock
Price: $1.99
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Powder Horn Staple, Small, 
5/8" wide hand forged iron, with decorative twist
Powder Horn Staple, Small, 5/8" wide hand forged iron, with decorative twist
Part Number: HORN-STAPLE-S
Availability: In Stock
Price: $1.99
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Powder Horn Stopper,
large 2-3/4" length,
fancy Ebony fiddle peg,
tapered shaft
Powder Horn Stopper, large 2-3/4" length, fancy Ebony fiddle peg, tapered shaft
Part Number: HORN-STOP-EL
Availability: In Stock
Price: $1.99
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Powder Horn Stopper,
medium 2-1/4" length,
fancy Ebony fiddle peg,
tapered shaft
Powder Horn Stopper, medium 2-1/4" length, fancy Ebony fiddle peg, tapered shaft
Part Number: HORN-STOP-EM
Availability: In Stock
Price: $1.99
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Powder Horn Stopper,
small 2-1/4" length,
fancy Ebony fiddle peg,
tapered shaft
Powder Horn Stopper, small 2-1/4" length, fancy Ebony fiddle peg, tapered shaft
Part Number: HORN-STOP-ES
Availability: In Stock
Price: $1.99
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Powder Horn Stopper,
large 2-3/4" length,
fancy Rosewood fiddle peg,
tapered shaft
Powder Horn Stopper, large 2-3/4" length, fancy Rosewood fiddle peg, tapered shaft
Part Number: HORN-STOP-RL
Availability: In Stock
Price: $3.99
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Special Restrictions Apply
Not available for export outside the U.S.A.
Powder Horn Stopper,
medium 2-1/4" length,
fancy Rosewood fiddle peg,
tapered shaft
Powder Horn Stopper, medium 2-1/4" length, fancy Rosewood fiddle peg, tapered shaft
Part Number: HORN-STOP-RM
Availability: In Stock
Price: $3.99
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Special Restrictions Apply
Not available for export outside the U.S.A.
Powder Horn Stopper,
small 2-1/4" length,
fancy Rosewood fiddle peg,
tapered shaft
Powder Horn Stopper, small 2-1/4" length, fancy Rosewood fiddle peg, tapered shaft
Part Number: HORN-STOP-RS
Availability: In Stock
Price: $3.99
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Special Restrictions Apply
Not available for export outside the U.S.A.
Jeweler's Deep Saw Frame, adjustable, with 5" throat
Jeweler's Deep Saw Frame, adjustable, with 5" throat
Part Number: JEWELER-SAW
Availability: In Stock
Price: $19.99
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Tacks, polished plated brass,
1/2" diameter high domed,
per 100
Tacks, polished plated brass, 1/2" diameter high domed, per 100
Part Number: TACK-HD-8-B
Availability: In Stock
Price: $8.99
Order Quantity:
Track of the Wolf, Inc.
18308 Joplin St NW
Elk River, MN 55330-1773

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