This milled steel 24" underrib with .2" web thickness requires final polishing, to remove mill marks, before installation and finishing. It will fit a 40" or shorter barrel, assuming a 16" forend length (24" + forend length = barrel length).
Usually soldered to the bottom flat of your round barrel, we recommend using our Stay-Brite brand solder, to tin the mating surfaces. Assembly with solder requires simultaneous assembly of the rib, barrel, middle and front ramrod pipes. Wipe away trace of excess solder, using steel wool, before it cools.
When mounting this rib to a thick wall barrel, we prefer to mount this rib with our 5-40 thread special rib screws, to allow easy assembly, browning, and soldering of the rod pipes. We also offer 6-40 and 6-48 rib screws.
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