Flint Flash Guard, British Crown, iron
Part Number: FLASH-GD-GR-I
Availability: In Stock
Price: $7.59
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These iron flash guards, protect the shooter next to you from overspray vented from your flash hole. This protection is required at most-re-enactments, where flint shooters may stand and fire volleys shoulder-to-shoulder.

.055" steel, it may be bent with hand tools to fit many different locks. Predrilled to fit under an outside mounted frizzen screw. Use this nice flash guard on your flint musket, larger rifle, or fowler lock, such as our Tryon trade musket lock. This has the British "Crown" mark over the letters "GR" for "Georgius Rex" (King George), which is ideal for your Brown Bess, commonly seen with a Grice, Stowe, or Tower lock plate.

Also available unmarked or with a "fleur-de-lis" cartouche for French muskets.
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